English Courses

Healthy Together Facilitator Training


Become a certified Healthy Together facilitator to engage families to make healthy choices and build stronger relationships.

Healthy Together is a family education program that engages the entire family in addressing nutrition, money management, moving more, and family connections. In a world of growing obesity rates and increased chronic disease, Healthy Together offers practitioners and community resources groups, the right tools and content to improve health outcomes for families.

You can become a Healthy Together certified facilitator today by taking the online facilitator training.

  • 1. Welcome and Introduction
  • Welcome!
  • Introduction by Laura
  • How This eLearning Works
  • Learning Journal
  • Introduction to Healthy Together
  • HT Program Snapshot
  • #TakeASelfie: Your HT Habits
  • #TakeASelfie: Your Healthy Together Habits Questions
  • What is Healthy Together?
  • Why Join HT
  • Time to Reflect: Purpose
  • Key Findings
  • Impact Summary Infographic
  • Participants Impact
  • Social Return on Investment (SROI)
  • Time to Reflect: New Information
  • Check Your Understanding
  • 2. HT Facilitation Skills
  • HT Toolkit
  • Download Your HT Toolkit
  • Time to Reflect: Confidence
  • Facilitation Tips
  • Facilitation Tips
  • Cultural Humility and Cultural Awareness
  • Fostering Cultural Safety
  • Time to Reflect: Culture
  • #TakeASelfie: Facilitator Clarity Self Assessment
  • Facilitation Techniques
  • Facilitation Success Factors
  • Facilitation Success Factors
  • Program Format
  • Program Format
  • Program Settings
  • Program Delivery
  • Message of the Day
  • Using the HT Poster and Message of the Day
  • Adaptations
  • Adaptations
  • Celebration
  • Celebrate Success
  • Feedback
  • Time to Reflect: Success
  • Check Your Understanding
  • 3. Learning Activities
  • Introduction to Learning Activities
  • Introduction to Learning Activity 1
  • Demonstration of Learning Activity 1
  • Introduction to Learning Activity 2
  • Demonstration of Learning Actiivty 2
  • Introduction to Learning Activity 3
  • Demonstration of Learning Activity 3
  • Time to Reflect: Learning Activity Concepts
  • Get Ready for the Try it Out
  • Try it Out: Learning Activities
  • Time to Reflect: Getting Attention
  • Check your understanding
  • 4. Physical Activities
  • Introduction to Physical Activities
  • Physical Activities Checklist
  • Tips for promoting Physical Activity
  • Demonstration of Physical Activity
  • Prepare for your next Try it Out & Movement (clone)
  • Try it Out: Physical Activities
  • Time to Reflect: Physical Activity Concepts
  • Check Your Understanding
  • 5. Cooking Activities
  • Introduction to Cooking Activities
  • Food Guidelines
  • Food Guidelines
  • Make it Yours
  • Prepare for your next Try it Out & Movement
  • Try it Out: Cooking Activities
  • Time to Reflect: Cooking Activity Concepts
  • Check your understanding
  • 6. Putting it All Together
  • Planning for the 3 components
  • An Example Session Planning Sheet
  • Vulnerable Families
  • Shame & Trauma in Group Settings
  • Low Income & Poverty
  • Literacy
  • Resources
  • Budget
  • Resource Considerations
  • Finding your Comfort Zone
  • Prepare for the last Try it Out & Movement
  • Try it Out: Putting it all together
  • Time to Reflect: Review
  • HT YouTube Channel
  • Check your understanding
  • 7. Exercises and Test
  • Time to Practice! Exercise #1: Session Planning
  • #TakeASelfie: Exercise #2: Record Yourself
  • Time to Reflect: My Practice
  • HT Facilitator Agreement and Terms of Use
  • Instructions for the Final Test
  • Final Test
  • 8. Give Us Your Feedback!
  • We want to hear from you!
  • HT Facilitator Post Training Evaluation
  • Facilitator Toolkit
  • Posters & Tipsheets
  • Handouts & Documents
  • Promotional Posters
  • Celebration & Success Documents
  • Support Documents
  • Feedback Forms
  • HT Logos
  • Misc Documents & Bonus Resources
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever